Our Ambitions are to develop the simple football player’s technical skills and improve the player’s qualities

Latest News:

A new season starts up at the 23th of February

We Are Ready!

About Us

We work based on the Spanish football methodology, where the player learns technical and tactical concepts through individual training and the finished game.

The player will receive specific training according to the position the player has on the pitch. We work with the defensive and the offensive aspect of football. We want to focus on the motoric aspect and injury prevention training.

Albentosa’s Trainings

3 sessions (23/2, 2/3, and 9/3): €120

32 places per session
– Possibility of 2 sessions on Sundays
– Open to more days according to demand
– Single day: €50 (2 hours)
– Monthly package (3-5 sessions per month)
– €40 / session = €120, €160 or €200
– Second sibling: €30 / session

3 sessions (23/3, 30/3 and 6/4): €120

– 32 places per session
– Possibility of 2 sessions on Sundays
– Open to more days according to demand
– Single day: €50 (2 hours)
– Monthly package (3-5 sessions per month)
– €40 / session = €120, €160 or €200
– Second sibling: €30 / session

Limited places! Sign up!


Raúl Albentosa

Albentosa’s passion for the beautiful game has guided him through a remarkable career. Raúl Albentosa’s early days were marked by his prowess as a defender, a position he mastered with finesse and determination.